Saturday, January 30, 2010

18 1/2 month post a little late

I failed to post her 18 month stats and now that she is 20 months I am a little behind. She weighed 21 pounds, was 32 inch tall and her head measured 18 inch.
I need to go ahead and reweigh her but I don't think much has changed.

It is almost time

We enjoyed a great day together as family due to the snow. Matt was planning on going in this morning but after a text message from his current boss, he was told to stay home. We took full advantage of the day. The 3 of us laid in bed for a little while, well until Loral decided she was ready to get "out". This has become our morning routine now that Loral is in a toddler bed and can walk her sweet little self in our room when she wakes. It is always a treat when she comes in early in the am asking for "help" to get in our bed. One morning this week she took a little bit longer getting in our room and when she asked for help I noticed she had a surprise for us. She has decided to bring Matt's football to our bed. She was so excited about her "feetball" and of course we had to act just as happy. Most days she just brings herself other days baby comes to our room with her. So, back to my story of the day. After we got out of bed Matt and I made breakfast. It was so yummy biscuits and gravy, wild hog sausage, and eggs of and some very tasty pecan coffee. As I sat at the dining room table looking at my wonderful family, I realized how much things are about to change. Matt will start going out of town VERY soon and he and I will have 24hours a week to see each other. Granted we do not always get to spend and enormous amount of time together but, this, this is crazy.
Loral is the one I am worried about. She is so little and loves her daddy so so much. She will not understand that Daddy is just gone for the week and he will be back soon. In the mornings after she gives me a kiss she automatically wants to give "daddy kiss". That is just the morning, everything she does throughout the day she wants us both to be apart of. If she goes pee-pee "pobby" she wants us to clap and make a HUGE deal of the accomplishment especially if she poo-poos. When she dress' herself in high heels, 'necktace"and "gasses" and wants to dance she wants it to be family dance. We all hold hands and say our prayers at dinner and she loves to run around the house after her bath and yell "daddy neck" (naked), she feels the need to show off her cute little naked self. After our run of the house we then put on our "booby-panbies" (Sleeping Beauty Night panties) pick out some jamas. Then it is my next favorite time of the day my night kiss. If I am home I usually put her to bed, we must always give daddy kiss before we can go to bed. I lay her in bed tuck her and baby in and give her my final kiss or 2 or 3 of the night and the I say "goodnight" she follows with 'night', I love you 'uv you", see you in the morning 'mormon', then I turn out her light and close her door.
Loral is not the only one that will miss her Daddy. He is my rock and when the day is rough I look forward to coming home to see them both. Our time together after Loral goes to bed is priceless even when I fall asleep during our shows or the latest Netflix delivery. I will not have anyone to warm my hands and feet on at night. Making dinner for 1 1/2 is not going to be much fun and since she does not give any suggestions on what she is in the mood for, means it is all up to me. Great!
I love my family and we are much stronger together, but we will be much stronger having gone through all of this. We did enjoy breakfast, a few movies, a little snow play and dinner together before I had to go in to work. It was a good way to start our period of separation. Please pray for us, our house to sell FAST, me to find a new job, and our family to be back together as a family soon.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

The New Year has much in store for our family

These pictures are back wards but she has really enjoyed her shoes.

As we are already in the last week of January I figure I should go ahead and blog about it. Matt starts his new job in a few weeks so our family will be split until our house sells. We officially put our house on the market. It is listed with Velda Lueders of Pam McDowell Properties. I have mixed feelings about all of this but I know that this will be a good thing for our family. The new adventures we will have in Northwest Arkansas. Loral is just as busy as always. She repeats everything. Her new love is highheels, so her Daddy went to the store and bought her some a little better suited for her size. We have a blast. We have discovered that we did not loose all our pictures we had backed up just about all the pictures pre-Loral and have a few of her videos backed up from her first christmas, when she started crawling, her birthday and Las Vegas. It is just all the ones in between that I hope we can recover.